Wednesday, September 9, 2009

New Classroom?

I am taking a break from trying to clean up my back storage room....aka "the hole". It has become the dumping ground for everything....even the stuff that's not mine! I have got to learn to say NO when offered stuff someone is sure I can make use of it! I took in 12 boxes of binders and office stuff. I was able to pull out the binders that I will use (I hope) and then give away almost everything else. It started with an email asking if I wanted any hard plastic magazine storage boxes (harvard boxes). I said, "sure, why not. I am sure I can use them". Then the binders were offered and the office supplies......I now have two binding machines (the thingies that put the plastic combs on booklets). One was a semi-permanent loan from elsewhere. I guess I should return it.

So, the painter will be here later this morning. He'll do half the space, then we'll move everything to the other side of the space, and he'll paint the other half. I have been putting masking tape on the floor and drawing a map to see what the best use of the space is. I want to have room for 6 students. Space will be a bit tight at the end of the tables, but there will be more space widthwise than we have in our main classroom.

I really do hope I am not biting off more than I can chew...... I should really take before and after pictures so that I will be able to appreciate all the hard work....a couple of short videos showing the back room and all the stuff (a very polite word) piled on one side.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Quilts and More Quilts

Ok, I'm working madly on quilts to put in a show next weekend. I have one almost completely quilted...need to put some branches on and the binding....where is the binding fabric? Don't know. Can't find it....must be the same place as the serger I lost earlier in the week! This was a fun quilt and is the combination of a failed Block of the MOnth and a successful "nothing to lose" class. Can't wait to get it all finished.

The second quilt is a "participation quilt project" from our guild. I had my name drawn twice. The first in 2006 when I was going to become the president of the organization and thought a quilt with our Alberta Rose (our logo) would be great. Did'nt get the quilt completed before my name was drawn again in 2008. The friendship stars in the border are the result of that draw. All the blocks except one rose and one star are signed. I hope I can find the ladies who made those blocks and get them to sign them for me.
The following two pictres are close-ups of the quilting under way.
Now on to the good stuff!! Just got in this Gypsy Sit Upon to try. Don't know which way should be up....but I like this side (with the little nubbies) up better. A comfy sit while I quilt.
That's it for me today....heading home to clean carpets.