Saturday, August 29, 2009

No Kids!

I miss my, I am not a mother with her youngsters off to school. I am a sewing teacher with no classes booked!

Every afternoon this week I felt a little funny.....My body and mind are so tuned into that 4pm time slot, that I would feel really uneasy until I realized why. I miss my kids!

So, starting after the long weekend, we'll have full houses again and I'll be happy, happy, happy!

I have been trying to get some projects sewn at home for a show our guild (Alberta Handicrafts Guild) is doing at in Calgary. We are 80 years young!!!! and have a lot of very talented people our our groups. So, I have a quilt almost quilted, one waiting for "white" batting, a sweater to get buttons, yarn tails to sew in on a pair of socks, lining and handles sewn on a hand woven bag......lots to do, so little time! The show will be held during the annual Fall Fair and should be a lot of fun!

On a personal note.....I have a new basement floor! We are having a wood laminate flooring installed, then we'll have some painting done as well. The floor looks beautiful....better because I didn't have to do it!

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